Information for Listing

Enter your full mailing address or just city/state if you wish. Or leave blank. Field not required.

Enter your primary/preferred category. Your category will be standardized to existing categories.

Please select the photo you would like to use as your main directory listing photo. You will NOT be able to change this.

(max file size 100 MB)
(max file size 100 MB)

Add info about you and/or your business. Up to 200 words.


Directory Listing – STANDARD


There are no annual dues at GOGs - actually there are NO dues, annual or otherwise. So, this is the way to embrace the group, be a part and show your GOGginess!

Your standard directory listing INCLUDES:

  • your photo
  • your name
  • your logo/bio
  • title and business name
  • phone number
  • email
  • one website or URL
  • up to 3 social media links
  • one category


The directory will be actively promoted every month...
to sister GOGs as well as the general public via email, social platforms and link sharing.

The directory is searchable...
even by GOOGLE! That means your listing may appear in organic search engine results as well.

(NOTE: Perks applicable to PREMIUM LISTINGS only)

  • At least one extra ticket in the drawing at EVERY meeting you attend just for being in the directory!
    (listing must be active)
  • Once per month, by random draw, one of the directory listings will be featured in our monthly email!
  • Occasional discounts or special offers, gear, etc.
  • Receive a "PREMIUM" ribbon to add to your nametag.
  • First to know about sales, openings, special opportunities, etc.

There will be other perks for being in the directory along the way as well!

It's just $50 in perpetuity*

Once you purchase your listing, it may take up to 3 business days for it to appear in the directory.
We will notify you by email when your listing is active.

If at any time, you would like to upgrade your listing, you simply contact us, pay the difference (between what you paid and the current premium listing price) and we'll send you login credentials.
Once your standard listing is published, you may contact us with any changes you have any time you'd like. Change fee is $20 each time.



  • Active means that you attend at least one meeting per quarter (4 meetings/year): Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Jul-Sep, Oct-Dec.
  • If you become inactive (not attending more than 3 consecutive months), you will be given notice that your listing is up for deactivation giving you the opportunity to communicate with us and/or register for the next meeting.
  • If your listing does go inactive, it will be reactivated after you attend the next meeting.
  • If you remain inactive for more than 4 months, you may reactivate your listing for $25 after you've registered and attended a meeting.