Quite simply one of the finest, "funnest" female-focused networking groups...
No Dues. No Limits. No Restrictions. YOU'RE WELCOME!A refreshing break from the "traditional"...
No Dues.
No dues means NO DUES. There are no fees to “join”. There are no annual costs. To become a GOG you just register for your first meeting and show up! That’s it.
Meeting registration is currently $45/meeting. That’s not in addition to a monthly fee or any other costs… that’s it.
You only pay for the opportunities you find beneficial for you and your business.
No Limits.
You are unlimited when it comes to what you put into or get out of being a part of GOGs. You can attend as many or as few meetings as you want. Once a GOG always a GOG, we like to say… even if it’s been YEARS since your last meeting.
You can take advantage of opportunities like being in the marketplace, showcasing your business as a sponsor, becoming a Premium directory gal, getting a nametag, etc. And EVERYTHING at GOGs is OPTIONAL*!
No Restrictions.
Good Ol’ Gals is INCLUSIVE. This means we allow more than one gal per category to attend the same meeting. We don’t believe in limiting our resource pool. We DO believe in being able to do business with or refer to those we connect with by choice, not by force.
There is abundance for everyone. It’s not competition. It’s collaboration.
You're Welcome!
You see what we did there? “You’re Welcome” – a clever double entendre.
But honestly, YOU ARE WELCOME! Every gal at any stage of business (just starting out, in transition, between careers, seasoned professional) is welcome to attend. Gals of all ages, race, color, creed, orientation – are welcome to attend!
And yes, you’re welcome for establishing and providing this platform for meaningful connections, relationship building and doing business!
*OPTIONAL – Except for meeting registration… no matter your role, every gal pays for the experience – even if you choose not to enjoy the included lunch.
And there's more...

Themed Meetings
As far as we know, we are the only organization that has themes each month! Participation is absolutely 100% OPTIONAL, but gals have said “I LOVE themes – it makes it soooo much easier to decide what to wear!”
The theme in this photo was “Gens & Friends” with the option to dress in the decade that resonates with you! We had to grab this shot… 90s, 80s, 70s!

Rotating Presentation Styles
Some months we have presenters, other months we have a panel or production and then we might throw in an interview-style “show” or activity, too… all are designed to educate, empower and/or entertain to benefit you – both professionally and personally.

Celebrating Wins
During each meeting we build up one another by acknowledging each other with Shout Out Shorts or congratulating each other on our “wins” for the month! No matter how big or small, whether a referral leading to closed business or a helping hand of support – GOGs are there for each other and that’s worthy of celebration!

Gifts and Prizes
There is no shortage of generosity from the GOGs. When it comes to gifts and prizes – from the sponsor and marketplace giveaways to our monthly raffle prizes and special drawings for our premium directory gals, the GOGs present some pretty impressive prizes. Giving and receiving (winning) add to the fun – and gives you more exposure for your business.
Upcoming Events and Opportunities
March Meeting – Carmel
We cannot accommodate walk-ins
Next month’s meeting is online and open for registration!Friday, March 21, 2025
11:30 AM – 2:00 PM
Vittorio’s Italian RestaurantTheme: Stretch Yourself
(GOGs in Wonderland)Out of stock
March Meeting – San Diego
We cannot accommodate walk-ins
Next month’s meeting is online and open for registration!Wednesday, March 26, 2025
11:30 AM – 2:00 PM
Vinya: Vino + VinyasaTheme: Stretch Yourself
(GOGs in Wonderland)Out of stock
March Meeting – Carlsbad
Friday, March 28, 2025
11:30 AM – 2:00 PM
Miguel’s CocinaTheme: Stretch Yourself
(GOGs in Wonderland)Out of stock
Directory Listing – PREMIUM
A premium listing gives you ultimate control over your listing, advance notice of specials AND ALL the many perks of being a Premium gal!
And now there are THREE meetings each month to "Get your GOG on"...

Average Number of Attendees per Meeting
Number of New Gals (2023)
Percentage of New Gals Who Attend Again
Number of Locations as of October 2024!!!
NOTE: We call them “Locations” instead of “Chapters” because there are no membership dues and gals are able to go to as many meetings as they want… they are not beholden to one “location”. So every month starting in October 2024, you have THREE opportunities to network with your GOGs!

Coming out of the pandemic (after having to close all locations), we reopened with just one – Carlsbad – the first location when GOGs was founded in December 2007. This year (2024), after our primary venue we met at all of 2023 couldn’t host us anymore, we bounced around the first 5 months of the year landing on a rotation between just two venues: Miguel’s Cocina and Dave & Buster’s. With Carlsbad selling out month after month a month in advance, we knew it was time to expand!
A sneak peak at the new Carmel Location @ Vittorio’s Italian Trattoria just off the 56 in Torrey Highlands.
Launch Meeting = Thursday, October 24th. See below or click here for details and registration.

Pre-pandemic we had a San Marcos location. When the expansion was first discussed, it was proposed that we go a bit farther south and find a venue to make it more convenient for those along the I-15 corridor driving from locales like Temecula, Escondido, and Rancho Bernardo as well as the business women in Carmel Valley, Carmel Mountain, Rancho Santa Fe, 4S Ranch, Poway, Rancho Peñasquitos, Scripps Ranch, Sorrento Valley and other nearby towns.
A sneak peak at the new San Diego Location @ Vinya: Vino + Vinyasa on Balboa Ave in mid-county San Diego.
Launch Meeting = Wednesday, October 23rd. See below or click here for details and registration.

San Diego
Ahhhhh, San Diego! We knew we had to reopen in a more southerly location, but just not Old Town where we’d been pre-pandemic. In an effort to be convenient for business women in cities like La Mesa, Lakeside, Santee, downtown San Diego, Pacific Beach, Mission Beach, Ocean Beach and even more southerly locations like Imperial Beach, Coronado, Chula Vista and National City (yes, gals are driving to Carlsbad every month from these areas!), we were introduced to an amazing venue in mid-county San Diego.

At every meeting, we have ONE, count them, ONE sponsor spotlight. The sponsor is the ONLY gal allowed to place materials at the tables. She gets pre- and at-meeting promotion via signage, website, email and social, and she gets five minutes up front to tell all about her business, any offers she has and any upcoming events she may have. The sponsor does a drawing from the cards collected at check in, does her sponsor giveaway drawing and gets to keep all the cards. This is the most “GOGtastic” way to gain visibility at a meeting.
To see what’s available in the shop, always start by choosing the location you want…

There is a “marketplace” at each meeting where up to four gals are able to have a display table to showcase their products and services. Taking orders, selling, giveaways, signups, etc. are all permitted and each gal gets to collect business cards and do a drawing/giveaway during their 30-second intro to the group. Gals visit the marketplace before and after the meeting agenda begins. Currently, it’s just $35 + meeting registration (everyone registers for the meeting regardless of their role).
To see what’s available in the shop, always start by choosing the location you want…

There are NO DUES to be a part of GOGs. You become a GOG (we don’t really say “member”) by just registering and showing up to your first meeting. BAM! You’re ‘in’!
Now, you can choose to show you’re a part by getting:
- an Official GOGs Nametag for just $17.50
– and/or – - a free or paid listing in the “There’s a GOG for That” Directory!

GOGs got it going on and they let us all know by getting a calendar listing on the GOGs online calendar. Whether an event (like a workshop, expo, dance party, etc.) or an offer (like a discount, BOGO, sale or special price), once you attend your first meeting, you can get a calendar listing that will be:
- posted online (searchable by Google)
- read aloud / announced at the next meetings
AND - emailed out to our entire database once per month!
All for 5 bucks! And it includes a photo or image!

We pull our presenters from active GOGs, therefore, before you can be considered to present, you must have attended at least two meetings to see and get a feel for the full experience and understand how presentations at GOGs go.
You get 15 minutes to educate, empower and/or entertain. You may do a “pitch” or “call to action” during the last minute of your talk, however, presentations must provide good content and takeaways for the group. NOTE: we try to coordinate the topic with the theme.
If you are interested in being considered to present or be a panelist at GOGs in 2025 at any of our locations, please complete the form on this page.
First Time?
First, be sure you are on on the email list using the “Updates and Notifications” form at the bottom of every page.
Then, have a look around the website. It’s packed with information and most likely will provide you with the details you want to know. If you still have questions, please feel free to contact our team at gogscentral@gmail.com
Choose a location (or two) and register for a meeting! Remember to check the box that asks if this is your first time and be sure to enter who referred you – even if it was Ms. Google <wink>.