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June Sponsor Spotlight – San Diego


Sponsor Spotlight -JUNE
Wednesday, June 25, 2025
THEME: Honor Yourself
(The Ladies of GOG)

The Sponsor Spotlight at GOGs is the ultimate way to gain visibility at a meeting.
Each meeting only has ONE sponsor. As the sponsor you are the ONLY GAL…

  • That can put marketing materials and/or giveaways at the dining tables at each place setting
  • To have your name/logo/photo/business name and website or email link on the meeting registration web page
  • To have your name/logo/photo/business name and website or email link in the monthly email AND the last call email that goes out to everyone
  • That is pictured on the printed agenda that everyone gets that the meeting
  • To have a special sign at the check-in desk with your name and business name on it (with your photo/logo) that everyone sees as they check in.
  • To get 5-minutes in front of the room promote your business
  • To be able to do a special sponsor drawing from the cards collected at registration after your 5-minute business promo
    (for which you'll bring a gift to give away that will make you and your business more memorable to your audience)

The cost is just $50 in addition to your meeting registration*.

*Since Sponsor Spotlights are sold AHEAD of time, the meeting for which you purchase a sponsor spotlight MAY not be open for registration as of yet.

  • If it's not, you will be reminded to register for the meeting where you be the sponsor when it is open online for registration.
  • If it is open, it should appear below and you should add to your cart and register now as you will need to do this anyway.