This meeting was jam-packed with gratitude and abundance! It was activity month! It was a friend-raiser! It was voting day for our “There’s a GOG for That – People’s Choice Awards”.
Our sponsor was the one and only, Heather Kent who not only shared about her business {sing it with me} Heather Feathers Hair, what?! Heather Feathers Hair, she also shared her gratitude for her sister GOGs and shared a bit of her personal story as well… Thank you, Heather!

SPONSOR: Heather Kent
Heather Feather’s Hair

In lieu of a presentation this month, we had activities around our theme of “Gratitude & Abundance”. We kicked it off at the beginning of the meeting with everyone hand-writing a note to a sister GOG… and included their name and mobile number. Later in the meeting, each gal drew one of the sealed notecards and sent a thank you text to the sender…. notes and texts are two ways we can express gratitude. Then we had “Thanksgiving Table Talk” where each gal had a provided question and got to chat about it with those at her table getting to know them on a deeper level both professionally and personally. And we wrapped up activity month with the perfect segue into shout outs… the GRATITUDE CHAIR!
We drew a name from the cards at registration and that gal got to come up front and be showered with gratitude from the others at the meeting. Robyn Carlson and Diane Kershaw were the lucky recipients of the amazing expression of gratefulness from the others. And even though we were running over time, we decided one more should be drawn to sit in the Gratitude Chair, but this time drawn from the “friend-raiser” bag of new gals and the gals that referred them… and Ms. Jaylin Bailey was drawn! The gals in the Gratitude Chair could only responded to the outpouring of love by saying “Thank You”. Sometimes that can be tough….
We welcomed FOUR (4) new gals again this month and welcomed back two of the four new gals from last month giving us SIX new gals for the FRIEND-RAISER! Not only did the new gals and their referring gals get extra tickets in the raffle, but they also got DOUBLE the dollars in the referral program*! We gave away a FREE MEETING and several Amazon gift cards as well!
*Remember, when you invite a new gal who shows up, SHE gets a $5 credit to come back, YOU get a $5 credit for the next month’s meeting AND you BOTH get entered into a drawing for a FREE MEETING!
Cindi Hardesty was our “Premiums Present” Drawing Winner (this is a drawing exclusively for those gals who have a Premium Directory Listing who are in attendance), who receive an awesome gift from GOGs and will be our featured Premium gal next month! Congratulations Cindi!
Speaking of Premium Directory Gals, being a premium is one of the criteria to be nominated for the “There’s A GOG for That – People’s Choice Award”! Ballots were handed out with the nominees photos, names and creative “titles” on them: Betse Bernstein, Cindi Hardesty, Diane Kershaw, Elizabeth Carlson, Heather Kent, Jacquie Ingle, Kaytee Sumida, Linda Edgar and Nikki Afetian! All but one of the nominees were present! The ballots were turned in and sealed! You gotta be at the Holiday Celebration and Awards Reception to see who won!
We’ll also be presenting awards in other categories along with the GOGGIES! The meeting will be held Friday, December 15th and Here are the details!
See you next month as we close out 2023!