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Shonna Jordan
I’ve been through several iterations of myself and definitely am currently the best version yet!
I grew up in a small town in Dover, PA. After my first business endeavor in my hometown failed miserably, I swore I’d do it right the next time… and I did. I moved to SoCal in 1998 and began my work life here as a corporate marketing director. After 9/11, 70% of the staff was laid off. Though I stayed on, I took a significant pay cut. Knowing the company was most likely not going to make it, I had a big life-changing decision to make… find other position in corporate or start my own thing. Well, I chose the latter… and as I said, I did it right this time.
I “gave birth” to Jordan & Jordan Marketing in February of 2002 with just one client and a plethora of growing to do – both personally and professionally. I birthed my 2nd, Good Ol’ Gals Business Connections, in December of 2007 together with a beautiful and beautifully tenacious woman named Gini. Just prior to her unexpected passing, she had turned over GOGs to me solely to focus on HER legacy – a non-profit she’d founded right around the same time as we were starting GOGs. She said, “I have my legacy, GOGs is yours.”
I say “gave birth” because I decided at the age of 33 to raise businesses, not babies.
In the summer of 2017, I discovered that I was no longer happy in my long term relationship and entered what I now call “My Dark Days”. I wrote a LOT of really dark, sad and somber poetry during that time: One of which will become my first children’s book for adults under pen name “Rainna Knight” (how that came into being is a story unto itself) That was one good thing that happened during that time. Most of those days were not good – major understatement. I drank a lot. DAILY. When my new guy would come over after work and see me with a beer or rum and diet in my hand (probably my 3rd or 4th by that time), he’d say, “Here she is again… Shonna Daily.”
The dark days ended when I finally said goodbye to “Mr. Al Cohol” (alcohol). I didn’t know then that it would be forever. My relationship with good ol’ “Al” may have ended, but my pen name and my “personality” name stuck. I didn’t know what to do with them at first… but then, I embraced the pseudonyms and transformed their sketchy beginnings into something great!
Rainna Knight has her first children’s book for adults illustrated and about to publish, a self-published situational short story of provocative romance (and others in the works) and a collection of poetry that will be coupled with artwork from individuals with a similar story and published.
Shonna Daily has been flying under the radar with her interview-style talk show/podcast, only doing live, unrecorded episodes so far. But semi-celeb status is knocking at the door and the YouTube channel will be up and running soon along with in-person, live audience gigs. There are a LOT of videos from the dark days of Daily’s “birth” which will be made public along with a “check yourself before you wreck yourself” message in an effort to evoke change in the way others look at “Al” and their own relationship with him. Daily’s got something else up her sleeve around that message… so stay tuned!
And that’s my story, that’s me. I am authentic, intuitive, sensitive, semi-empathic, genuine, compassionate, loving, giving and sometimes a little edgy, sassy and snarky LOL.
If you want to stay “in the know” on all things…
… Good Ol’ Gals – Subscribe to the newsletter in the footer of our website https://goodolgals.com.
… Jordan & Jordan – Submit the form in the footer of the “under construction because I work on others’ projects instead of my own” website @ https://jordanjordan.com.
… Rainna Knight – If you’d like the opportunity to purchase the limited edition, first run, collector’s version of “The Fish and the Sea” children’s book for adults with certificate of authenticity, hop on to https://rainnaknight.com and sign up.
… Shonna Daily – Get on Daily’s Launch List and stay in the know about “The Daily Experience” and all things Daily at https://shonnadaily.com.