Like this blog? We do too! But we can’t go it alone…
Good Ol’ Gals is happy to accept blog articles in your area of expertise or just something fun that happened at a meeting. Your experiences, your expertise, your ideas and insights…. if you are a GOG (meaning you’ve attended at least one meeting), we wanna hear from you! Submit your short, sweet and to the point paragraphs, poems or prose ALONG WITH a photo (stock photos ok if purchased or public domain/free to use/no copyright) via email to Shonna.
Did you take some pics at a meeting? Did you meet up outside of a meeting with other GOGs? Maybe at your mini-social drawn at a meeting? Maybe you shared on social media? We want those pics AND your stories. Send those too!
And finally, if you have any interest in helping to manage the GOGs social pages or helping with any GOGs admin, blog posting here, web updating, please let Shonna know! It’s a lot for one person… and after all, our motto is… TOGETHER WE’RE BETTER! <wink>