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(GOGs founder/owner listing pinned to top)
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Sherri W Singleton
Owner & Certified Senior Advisor
LIVE WELL Senior Care Connections, LLC
Business Mailing 300 Carlsbad Village Dr. Ste 108A Box 246 Carlsbad CA 92008
Cell Phone: 760-487-8778
Main Email: sherri@livewellscc.com
Business Anniversary: January 1, 2024
Website: Website
I founded LIVE WELL Senior Care Connections as a no-cost resource to families, connecting you to senior living options that best fit your care needs, location, lifestyle and budget. With personal experience as a family caregiver as well as a senior living community director, I know it is imperative to have a knowledgeable, compassionate and LOCAL advocate to help you navigate the overwhelming choices available in San Diego County successfully. Your information is always kept private and never shared with community partners or caregiving agencies without your permission.
Thank you for visiting and please let me know how I can assist you and your family!
Categories: Senior Living Advisor