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Sharon Edmiston
Bowenwork® Practitioner and Nu Skin Representative
Bowenwork for Healing/NuSkin
No cracking. No crunching. No needles.
Welcome to Bowenwork for Healing
Bowenwork® addresses the entire body, physically, chemically, emotionally, mentally, and energetically.
While the work is gentle and non-invasive, the effective practice of it is very specific and precise. It provides profoundly effective signals to the brain for healing and recovery through the stimulation of special receptors in the tendons, muscles, and ligaments of the body. These signals result in deep relaxation, resetting of muscular tension and range of motion, lymph drainage, pain and inflammation reduction and pain relief.
NU SKIN – Discover the Best You!
Dramatic Spa Results without going to the Spa!
Stand-alone products for outstanding results!
Lumispa: Cleanses and Elastin – 2 minutes per day in the shower
Renu Spa iO: Shapewear Results in a device – Body Shaping, Celluite erasing
Facial Spa: Tightens skin on the face and neck – Use 10 minutes for toned, smooth and firm skin.
Dermatic Effects
The “Fat Melter” serum
The “Skin Firmer” contouring lotion
The “Radiance Maker” cleanse, exfoliate, polish
Certified Bowenwork® Practitioner Meet Sharon
I first discovered Bowenwork® in Sacramento, after searching for years to be free of pain. At that time, I was in extreme pain with Fibromyalgia and Lupus. I lived on Steroid drugs and suffered severe depression from the medications I was given. Nothing took away the daily struggle of overwhelm and pain. Life seemed hopeless, but I was determined to find a healthy alternative to drugs and doctors. And so my journey began.
After trying every traditional and alternative healing method I could find, the pain remained. In 2010, I discovered Bowenwork®. It provided dramatic relief from my chronic, disabling pain and depression. More than anything, Bowen gave me a healthy, pain-free life.
I was so passionate about the gift Bowen had given me, I enrolled in the American Bowen Academy. I have been a certified Bowen practitioner for years and am so blessed to give hope to those who are looking for a pain-free future.
Advanced Bowenwork Practitioner
Certified Associate Instructor
Certified in Chronic Conditions
Health Coach
Sport Bowen