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Robyn Palmer Carlson
Robyn Carlson began her career in 1981 as receptionist with a local title company. She was soon promoted to the position of Investment Secretary supporting investors in purchasing trust deeds.
She moved into the mortgage field and rapidly rose through the ranks from Jr. Loan Processor to Supervisor of the Second Trust Deed Department.
In 1998, her daughter was born and Robyn chose to become a stay-at-home mom. She started a home-based business, working as a Contract Loan Processor until 2009 when she decided to devote full-time hours to her mobile notary business as a Certified Notary Signing Agent with the National Notary Association.
She received her first California Notary Commission in 1981.
Robyn has a proven ability to organize all aspects of a loan transaction. Her efficiency and initiative produce results quickly.
Robyn is swift to identify and solve any problems that might arise.
Her excellent communication skills enable Robyn to rapidly develop good rapport with everyone she meets. As a result, she is adept at accurately assessing her clients’ needs and fulfilling them in a timely manner.
Robyn prides herself in her many client referrals. Complete customer satisfaction is her goal!
Comprehensive Loan Package: $200.00 A loan package consists of at least 89 pages and can have up to 160+ pages, depending on the lender’s requirements. I will either print the documents (if they are emailed to me from a signing service) on my HP dual-tray (letter & legal) printer, or I will pick them up from the escrow company (if the assignment is generated from a local escrow company.) In either case, I will prep the documents to make sure that the spelling of the subject property and the borrower’s name match consistently throughout the package. I watch for any inconsistencies that could be corrected before the signing appointment.. When I receive a loan package assignment, I will call the signers promptly to confirm the appointment, request copies of photo ID documents, verify time, place and possible parking issues, and to find out if the signers know if they will be receiving funds back or if they need to bring funds with them for the loan closing. I keep my contact source aware of the notary time line including time of appointment, completion of signing and executed documents return times. Loan Signing Packages: (Refinance and Purchase)
Common Notarial Services: $60 minimum*
Common Notarial Services such as:
* I have a minimum charge of $60 to come out plus $15.00 per each notarized signature.