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Mary Reaston
Mary’s love for the water and yoga led her to become a certified SUP Yoga Teacher in January 2019. She is has completed her Gravity Yoga training as well as her 200 hour and 300 Yoga Teacher Training. Mary also recently became certified in Pilates and Barre and is also certified in Yin Yoga. Mary’s background is in kinesiology and anatomy, which has enhanced her yoga practice as well as teaching. For her, SUP Yoga is her peaceful, happy place! MaryRose Reaston, Ph.D. Expert healthcare medical and regulatory consultant. Also Instrumental in developing and implementing Wellness strategies and innovations. Received 2023 Innovation Award for her Wellness Programs. I am an experienced CEO who has lead international companies to profitability in the medical and wellness sectors. I am a published author, recipient of several domestic and international patents. I have Co Founded several healthcare and wellness companies and am currently pursuing my dream of brining health, wellness and education to every body.