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Lori Raupe

Author/Founder/Owner Butterfly Publishing Company
Phone: 619-368-2948 Website: Website
Photo of Lori Raupe


Lori Raupe is the visionary founder of The Butterfly Publishing Company and a multiple #1 International best-selling author, coach, and speaker. She hosts the popular “Your Message Matters” on WinWinWomen. TV, where she shares her vast experience as an award-winning author and publisher, guiding women to create transformational and inspirational books to help others.

As an award-winning author and speaker, Lori is honored to be a certified executive coach and consultant. She travels with John Maxwell, the globally recognized leadership expert, taking his transformational program to foreign countries. Her passion and life’s work are to empower women to turn personal adversities into inspiring stories that inspire and guide others.

She is a founding chapter leader for the Heart Link Network Worldwide in Temecula, California. Through her business endeavors, she supports philanthropic organizations that touch her heart, such as Helping Hands Orphanage in Malawi, Africa; The Alabaster Jar Project, in San Diego; and is an active member of 100 Women Who Care.

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