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Lenore Wilkas

Real Estate Advisor The Wilkas Group|
Business Mailing 2965 Roosevelt Street, Suite C Carlsbad CA 92008 Phone: 760-407-2100 Website: Website
Photo of Lenore Wilkas


Lenore has been a Realtor since 2002. Before that she spent her life in the broadcasting world, starting on the air in TV and radio in the San Francisco market and ending it as head of corporate underwriting with National Public Radio. She then spent some time working with several internet startups. She moved to San Marcos from the Bay Area, where she grew up, in 2015

Her passion in real estate is working with seniors moving from the family home into a smaller home or assisted living. She also loves working with first-time buyers. She works with her husband, Alex, in Carlsbad Village with Lily Field Realty, a boutique shop advising buyers and sellers in North County.

She loves to sing and does so in the chorus with Escondido Choral Arts. Music in a huge part of her life and brings much joy to her.

She is currently the president of the North San Diego County Realtors and has served on their board since 2020 and is a board member representing North San Diego Realtors with the California Association of Realtors. She also volunteers with The Assistance League of Inland North County.

She is married and has three sons, a dog, and two cats.

Categories: Real Estate

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