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Kaytee Sumida
Simplexities– beadwork and other artful crafts
Other San Diego CA
Cell Phone: 619-990-3101
Main Email: bodhikt@aol.com
Business Anniversary: May 16, 1997
Website: Simplexities
Condensed version: female. short. pudgy. scorpio, water dragon. california girl, born and raised. one husband, two sons, one dog, lots of plant puppies.
and… i make stuff….
my stuff tends to be … eclectic… or maybe just weird, depending on your viewpoint. one of a kind pieces. simple ideas, complex execution or vice versa. or both. or maybe neither. sometimes they work– sometimes the bits get recycled/reused in something else. sometimes, the dog gets a new toy.
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Check my website, and if there is anything there in which you are interested, let me know, and I’ll bring it to the next meeting. https://simplexities-106202.square.site
All purchases delivered at the meeting will be discounted by estimated shipping cost, and tax will be included.