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(GOGs founder/owner listing pinned to top)
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Kamilia Arakelian
Sassy craftz
Business Mailing 545 Rancho La Mirada Lane
Phone: 8586833362
Main Email: kamilia@sassycraftz.com
Website: Website
Welcome to my DIY Workshops Events Page! I’m excited to offer a variety of workshops and events for everyone to enjoy. Whether you’re looking for a fun night out with friends, birthday parties and bachelorette parties, a creative team building experience for your colleagues, or a unique way to celebrate a special occasion, I’ve got you covered.
I will guide you through the process step-by-step, ensuring that you walk away with a finished product that you’re proud of. I provide all the necessary materials and tools, so all you need to bring is your creativity and a willingness to learn.
Categories: Arts and Crafts