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Heidi Ingersoll Gammarano

Owner, Interior Designer, Home Stager Southern California Design & Staging
Phone: 760-717-1218 Business Anniversary: September 26, 2023 Birthday: September 26, 1977 First Meeting Attended: May 31, 2024 Website: Website (view Portfolio!)
Photo of Heidi Ingersoll Gammarano


Hi, I’m Heidi, owner/designer/boss lady at Southern California Design & Staging.  I offer residential interior design services and real estate staging services.  On the Design side, I can help with updating a home’s appearance by helping you envision a new design, and getting beautiful new materials, gorgeous surfaces, and unique pieces installed.  On the Staging side, I can help homeowners who want to sell, transform their home into a space that buyers are attracted to, increasing sales power and decreasing time on the market.  Southern California Design & Staging – to create a home that is elevated and engaging!

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