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Dana Green
Dana Green is an Estate Planning/Probate/Trust Administration and Elder Law attorney in North County, San Diego serving all of California, New York and Connecticut. She was born in New York and was raised bi-coastally in New York and California. She received her B.A. in Finance and Business Economics with an emphasis in Spanish and French from Goucher College, and her J.D. from the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law. Dana is admitted to the bar in three states: California (1993), New York (1987) and Connecticut (1987). In addition, she was the 2018 Winner of the San Diego FINE Magazine “Best Estate Planning Attorney” Award.
Dana had practiced in various fields of law over the years including Family Law, Insurance Defense Litigation and Real Estate Law before starting her own law firm in 2010. She is a trained Mediator (family law and civil) and continues to provide Family Law assistance doing ‘Amicable’ Divorce Mediation, Pre- and Post-Nuptial Agreements, Marital Settlement Agreements and MSA Reviews for parties involved in a mediated divorce with other attorneys or mediators.
Her passion is educating people and providing peace of mind by preparing them for the unexpected.
As an Estate Planning attorney, she makes sure that her clients have a custom estate plan that fits their unique needs. Although she wants everyone in California to avoid probate, she does offer Probate Services for those who fail to plan. As an Elder Law attorney, she represents clients who need Elder Law Planning to Qualify for Medi-Cal. In addition, she has represented clients who have been subjected to Financial Elder Abuse and those who have had their inheritance stolen as a result of Financial Elder Abuse. Dana’s ultimate goal is to find a way to prevent Financial Elder Abuse or, at least, to find a way for a trusted person to be notified when estate plans, powers of attorney, and advance healthcare directives are changed at all so that the damage is discovered and halted immediately rather than years later when the elder person dies.
Dana has found a niche that helps all single adults with a very important and often overlooked need. Her Peace of Mind package© is for anyone over the age of 18 that is not married – be it never married, divorced, widowed, involved in a long-term though unmarried relationship, LGBTQIA+ or high school/college aged young adults.
Dana has always been involved in philanthropic endeavors. During law school, she worked in the Criminal Law Clinic (now known as The Innocence Project) under the tutelage of Barry Scheck, who became famous when he was part of OJ Simpson’s Defense Dream Team. She also worked in the Bet Tzedek Civil Litigation Clinic representing the elderly and individuals with disabilities who could not afford private counsel. She’s been involved with the San Diego Volunteer Lawyers’ Program and The Domestic Violence Prevention Clinic. She was a founding Board Member of and continued her service for 13 years at Connor’s Cause for Children, a non-profit organization that eases the burdens faced by families who have children with life-threatening illnesses. She has served on the Board of Directors of Milestone House, a non-profit that provides an innovative residential program for at-risk teenage foster girls, and of North County Women in Networking (NCWIN), an organization that provides scholarships to young women to help them afford college at California State University, San Marcos. And she currently serves as Secretary for two organizations: the Rancho Santa Fe Business and Professional Women’s Association, an organization that provides a support system for professional women in business and that supports a new local charity each year, and for Rise Up Residential, an organization that develops eco-friendly, no cost, sustainable micro-housing for those experiencing homelessness.
Dana is passionate about health and, considers herself a Wholistic Estate Planning Attorney. She incorporates “Health is Wealth” as part of her practice. She is a firm believer that although one must plan for an unexpected death or incapacity, once the planning is done, it is important to live a healthy lifestyle.
Dana Green always finds the silver lining. She looks for the positive that can come from any situation. When COVID hit and the world as we knew it changed, businesses pivoted and electronic recording of documents became a much-needed service. The birth of eRecordingExperts and becoming a grandmother are what became her silver linings from COVID. Although Dana is an attorney licensed in CA, NY and CT and has had her own law firm in California since 2010, she is most excited that eRecordingExperts allows her to service people all over the United States since it is NOT “the practice of law.” Dana and her business partner, Julie Miller, make customer service their #1 priority. As submitters, they streamline your workflow, save you time and expedite the recording process for all documents listed on county websites as recordable electronically. And in San Diego County, they offer two types of mobile services: courier and expedited. Julie and Dana became Professional Photocopiers as defined in California Business & Professions Code §22450-22463 in order to scan your documents on site and record them immediately when necessary.
ADVANCE DIRECTIVES including Advance Dementia Directives HIPAA AUTHORIZATION