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Carla Cohen

Career and Life Coach, Speaker, Healer Womens Health Revolution
Phone: 310-920-2177 Website: Website
Photo of Carla Cohen


Carla Sridevi Cohen helps women overcome career change anxiety so that they can move forward from a place of peace.  As a result, her clients let go of stress, pain , fear and anxiety.. Her clients call her the Emotional Alchemist. She is a Coach and Emotional Intelligence Expert who is certified in over 25 healing modalities. Carla has also had the honor of speaking on the same stage as Janet Atwood, Kim Kiyosaki and Jack Canfield. She offers group and individual coaching Carla is a best-selling author for her work in Modern Women In the Business World. Her first book “The 10 Minute Face” was self-published, Carla received the Exceptional Global Woman award  in 2022 and in 2023 was nominated for the One Million Lights campaign, for her work with helping and inspiring change in thousands of people’s lives around the world.  She is the founder of the Women’s Health Revolution. Her website is womenshealthrevolution.com She can be reached at carla@carlacohen.com



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